Botanical studies on cotton (Gossypium vitifolium L.) plants grown under newly reclaimed soils as affected by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1599-1617Other title:- دراسات نباتية على نباتات القطن المصري النامية في أرض مستصلحة حديثا متأثرة بالتسميد النيتروجيني والفوسفاتي [Added title page title]
- Annals of agricultural science, Moshtohor, 2005 v.43 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Two field experiments were conducted during 2002 and 2003 growing seasons to study the response of Egyptian cotton cultivar Giza 70 grown under newly reclaimed soil to the application of nitrogen (0, 200, 250 and 300 kg /fed., as ammonium nitrate, 33.5% N), phosphorus (0, 200 and 250 kg/fed. as calcium super phosphate, 15.5 % P20s) and their interactions. The obtained results indicated that the growth parameters i.e plant height, number of main stem internodes, number of leaves! plant, leaf area /plant and dry weight of leaves! plant. Also, yield and its components i.e. average number of fruiting branches /plant, average number of bolls/plant, average number of open bolls/plant, average number of seeds! boll, average weight of bolls/plant, average weight of seeds! plant, average weight of lint! plant, average yield of seed cotton! plant and per fed., increased by increasing the rates of nitrogen and phosphorus either alone or in combinations with each others, especially, at the highest rates from both fertilizers (300 and 250 kg/fed., respectively) gave the best results. The same trend was observed on the chemical constituents i.e. N, P, K Total carbohydrates, total chlorophylls, carotenoids of leaves, seed crude protein and seed oil concentrations and anatomical characters of leaf and stem of cotton plants. Therefore, under newly reclaimed soil fertilizing cotton plants with 300 kg /Ifed., ammonium "nitrate and 25Okg/ fed. calcium super phosphate can be recommended to obtain vigorous plant growth, yield and yield components.
Summary in Arabic.
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