Phosphorus, zinc and manganese fertilization impacts on growth, yield and chemical composition of maize plant (Zea mays l.) [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.687-706Other title:
  • تأثير التسميد الفوسفاتى والزنك والمنجنيز على النمو والمحصول والتركيب الكيماوى لنبات الذرة الشامية [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Minufiya journal of agricultural research, 2011 v. 36 (3) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research 2011. v.36(3)Summary: Two field experiments were carried out at Kafr EL_ Zayiat Center, Gharbia Governorate during two successive seasons 2008-2009. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applied phosphorus fertilizer at three rates (0.0, 15 and 30 kg P2 05/ fed.), also zinc and manganese at a rates of 0.3 and 0.15 g/I, respectively as well as combined treatments also between mineral phosphorus fertilizer levels and zinc and manganese on growth, yield and chemical composition of maize variety single hybrid 10. The tested micronutrients were in the form of EDTA i.e. Zn- EDTA (14% Zn) and Mn¬ EDT A (12% Mn), their solution were sprayed on the plants two times at volume of 400 / fed., firstly sprayed at 35 and secondly at 50 days from sowing. The obtained data showed that, phosphorus fertilizer at a rate of 15 kg P205 / fed. had a pronouncing effect more than other different phosphorus rates in increasing significantly dry weights of shoots and roots, also significant increases in chlorophyll a, band carotenoids in leaves of maize plant after 60 days from sowing for two the growing seasons. Significant increases in yield and yield components, since the percentage of increases in grains yield reached 39.96 and 39.92% for the first and the second seasons, at a respective order as comparing to the control treatment. Corresponding increases significantly in macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and micronutrients (zinc, manganese and ferrous) concentrations and uptake, likewise crude protein, protein yield and total carbohydrates in grains of single hybrid 10 maize variety. Data indicated that, application of zinc and manganese as foliar fertilization in association with different rates of phosphorus fertilizer gained more increases significantly in ll parameters, a much greater extent more the phosphorus fertilization used alone. The combined treatment of 15 kg P205 / fed. + zinc + manganese could be an effective fertilization practice for the highest significant increases not only growth, yield and its attributes but also on nutrients concentrations and uptake, crude protein and total carbohydrates in grains of single hybrid 10 maize cultivar for the two growing seasons.
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Two field experiments were carried out at Kafr EL_ Zayiat Center, Gharbia Governorate during two successive seasons 2008-2009. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applied phosphorus fertilizer at three rates (0.0, 15 and 30 kg P2 05/ fed.), also zinc and manganese at a rates of 0.3 and 0.15 g/I, respectively as well as combined treatments also between mineral phosphorus fertilizer levels and zinc and manganese on growth, yield and chemical composition of maize variety single hybrid 10. The tested micronutrients were in the form of EDTA i.e. Zn- EDTA (14% Zn) and Mn¬ EDT A (12% Mn), their solution were sprayed on the plants two times at volume of 400 / fed., firstly sprayed at 35 and secondly at 50 days from sowing. The obtained data showed that, phosphorus fertilizer at a rate of 15 kg P205 / fed. had a pronouncing effect more than other different phosphorus rates in increasing significantly dry weights of shoots and roots, also significant increases in chlorophyll a, band carotenoids in leaves of maize plant after 60 days from sowing for two the growing seasons. Significant increases in yield and yield components, since the percentage of increases in grains yield reached 39.96 and 39.92% for the first and the second seasons, at a respective order as comparing to the control treatment. Corresponding increases significantly in macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and micronutrients (zinc, manganese and ferrous) concentrations and uptake, likewise crude protein, protein yield and total carbohydrates in grains of single hybrid 10 maize variety. Data indicated that, application of zinc and manganese as foliar fertilization in association with different rates of phosphorus fertilizer gained more increases significantly in ll parameters, a much greater extent more the phosphorus fertilization used alone. The combined treatment of 15 kg P205 / fed. + zinc + manganese could be an effective fertilization practice for the highest significant increases not only growth, yield and its attributes but also on nutrients concentrations and uptake, crude protein and total carbohydrates in grains of single hybrid 10 maize cultivar for the two growing seasons.

Summary in Arabic.


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