Characterization of glycosidase in the mid-gut of the early third larval instars in gasterophilus intestinalis [electronic resource].
Description: p.25-35Uniform titles:- Veterinary medical journal, 2005 v.53 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Mid-gut homogenates from the early third larval instars of Gasterophilus intestinalis contain at least four gLycosidases. Enzyme activity was found a-galctosidase and ß-galactosidase . Also a-anylase showed activity in midcythomogen ates. All enzymes had acidic pH optima of 3.6¬6.A drug (Banminth 12.5% pyrantel tartar ate) used for the routine control of helminthes para¬sites of horses and donkeys in Egypt was used in vitro to investigate its effect on the optimal activi-ty of studied enzymes.
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