Trial for preparation of combined oil inactivated vaccine against newcastle and fowl cholera diseases by using montanide ISA206 oil for improving the immune response in chickens [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.341-352Uniform titles:- Veterinary medical journal, 2005 v.53 (2) Part 1 [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
One hundred and fifty chickens were divided into 3 equal groups (SO birds each). Groups one and two were vaccinated with combined inactivated fowl cholera (FC) and Newcastle (ND) vaccines using ISA206 and white oil (paraffin oil) as adjuvants respectively while group three was kept as non-vaccinated control group. The results of haemagglutinating antibody titres against NDV revealed that ISA206 gave earlier and higher immune response than white oil till 8 weeks post vaccination (WPV) but from 16 till 20 WPV it was noticed that paraffin oil was protective than ISA206.
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