Anchitrema Sangiuneum Sphaeriovesicularis N.Subsp. and Prosthodelvdrium (P.) Aarvouterus Assiutis N.subsp. are two new subspecies of trematode parasites infecting bats Taphozous Nudlventris Nudlventris at Assiut locality [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 221-232Other title:
  • أنكيتريما سانجنيوم سفريوفازكيولارز وبروثوديندريم بروثوديندريم بارفويوتريس أسيوطيس كنويعين جديدين من طفيليات الديدان الورقية يصيبا خفاش الحشرات تافوزوس نيوديفنترز نيوديفنترز بإقليم أسيوط.‪ [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Assiut veterinary medical journal, 2005 v. 51 (105) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 2005.v.51(105)Summary: Out of forty one bats (41) examined for trematode parasites, five (12.2%), were infected with Anchitrema sangiuneum sphaeriovesicularis n. subsp and Prosthodendrium parvouterus assiutis n. subsp. Anchitrema Sangiuneum Sphaeriovesicularis (n. subsp.). This trematode parasite has an elongated body, the anterior part of the body is more broader than the posterior end which is rounded in shape. It measures 3.1 mm in length and 0.725 mm in maximum width. The length to the width of the body is 4.1: 1 and the oral to ventral sucker is 1: 1. It is distinguished by having a spherical excretory bladder lying in the mid line at the posterior extremity. It measures 0.628 x 0.318 mm in diameter. It seems to have a characteristic sphincter surrounding the excretory orifice. The genital atrium is very close to the intestinal bifurcation. Prosthodendrium (P.) Parvouterus assiutis (n.subsp.) The body of the worm is oval in shape, not spinous and measures 2.05 x 1.25 mm. The body is supported by a layer of cuticle 0.06 mm in thickness.!t is characterized by lobulated ovary and large cirrus pouch which measures 0.34 - 0.35 x 0.49-0.50 mm..The vitellaria are (60-66) on the right group and (70-76) on the left one.
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Out of forty one bats (41) examined for trematode parasites, five (12.2%), were infected with Anchitrema sangiuneum sphaeriovesicularis n. subsp and Prosthodendrium parvouterus assiutis n. subsp. Anchitrema Sangiuneum Sphaeriovesicularis (n. subsp.). This trematode parasite has an elongated body, the anterior part of the body is more broader than the posterior end which is rounded in shape. It measures 3.1 mm in length and 0.725 mm in maximum width. The length to the width of the body is 4.1: 1 and the oral to ventral sucker is 1: 1. It is distinguished by having a spherical excretory bladder lying in the mid line at the posterior extremity. It measures 0.628 x 0.318 mm in diameter. It seems to have a characteristic sphincter surrounding the excretory orifice. The genital atrium is very close to the intestinal bifurcation. Prosthodendrium (P.) Parvouterus assiutis (n.subsp.) The body of the worm is oval in shape, not spinous and measures 2.05 x 1.25 mm. The body is supported by a layer of cuticle 0.06 mm in thickness.!t is characterized by lobulated ovary and large cirrus pouch which measures 0.34 - 0.35 x 0.49-0.50 mm..The vitellaria are (60-66) on the right group and (70-76) on the left one.

Summary in Arabic.

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