Effect of bio and organic fertilization on growth, productivity, fruit quality and leaf mineral content of Grand Nain banana [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.779-789Other title:- تأثير التسميد الحيوي والعضوي على النمو، و إنتاجية و جودة الثمار و المحتوى المعدنى لأوراق الموز صنف جراندنان. [Added title page title]
- Journal of the advances in agricultural researches, 2005 v. 10 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
This investigation was untertaken on Grand Nain banana grown in clay soil under surface irrigation system to stUdy the effect of fluorescent pseudomonas bacteria as biofertilizer and Farmyard manure (FYM) on growth, yield, fruit quality and leaf mineral content of Grand Nain banana. The obtained results indicated that fluorescent udomonas bacteria wbich added as blolertilizer and FYM application significantly eased pseudstem height girth, number of green leaves, total leaf area, bunch weight, 'lber 01 hands and finger per bunch, finger weight, length and diameter, total soluble ds, Acidity, total sugar and starch. The contents of leaves from nitrogen. phosphorus and potassium increased by increasing the rates of biofertilizer and FYM. The fruit physical properties were improved by the application of FYM and biofertilizer.
Summary in Arabic.
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