Studies of growth, yield and its components and chemical composition under effect of vitamin C, vitamin B1 boric acid and sulphur on pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.3343-3354Other title:- دراسة النمو و المحصول و مكوناته و المحتوى الكيماوى في نباتات البسلة تحت تأثير الرش الورقي بفيتامين ج، فيتامين ب1، والبورون و الكبريت الميكروني. [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2005 v. 30 (6) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Field experiment was carried out at farm, EL-Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station during the two winter seasons of 2001-2002 and 2002-2003, to study the effect of foliar spray of vit. C, Le. 100, 200 and 300ppm, 80ric acid (500 ppm), vit., 8, (150ppm) and micronized sulphur (750g.lfed.) on growth, yield and its components and chemical composition on pea plants. Results indicated that foliar spray with vit. C (200ppm) increased no. of leaves/plant followed by vit. 8, and S compared with control. While all treatments had no significance on plant height in relation to both seasons. Moreover, height of the 1 st fruiting node, plant yield, total yield/fad., shell out %, no. of pods/ plant and no. of seeds/pod were significantly increased by using vit C (200ppm) and vit. 8, (150ppm) in both seasons. Also, foliar spray with vit. 8, increased length and weight of pod, weight of green seeds/pod, and pod diameter in both seasons. Foliar spray with sulphur (750g.lfed) and vit C (200ppm) caused a significant increase in chI. a, b, a+b and carotein in leaves and crude protein in seeds in both seasons. While all treatments had no significant differences in TSS and carbohydrates in both seasons. Positive significant correlation were found between no-of leaves with most characters and among total yield /fed. and wt. of 100 seed, wt. of seeds/pod, length and wt. of pod, no of seeds/ pod, protein, TSS chlorophyll and carotein. Negative significant correlation were found between height of plant and height of 1st fruiting node, as between no. of leaves /plant and height of 1st fruiting node. Among no. of pods/plant and height of 1st fruiting node, also between total yield /Fed. and height of 1st fruiting node, the correlations were significantly negative.
Summary in Arabic.
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