Effect of P and Zn fertilization on wheat yield and nutrient uptake in calcareous soil [electronic resources].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.555-569Other title:- تأثير التسميد بالفوسفور والزنك على محصول القمح والمحتوى العنصرى للنبات فى الاراضى الجيرية [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University Journal of soil sciences and agricultural engineering, 2011 v. 2 (5) [electronic resources].
Includes references.
Field experiments were conducted for two seasons in the calcareous soil located at the experimental farm, of AI-Galaa location, West of Nubaria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was used as an experimental plant. The current work aims to evaluate the effect of P and Zn fertilization and their interaction on the soil chemical properties i.e., pH, EC, organic matter content, availability of P, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu as well as translocation and agronomic Efficiency (AE). Apparent nutrient recovery (ANR) for phosphorus and Zinc, marketable wheat yield, crop index and harvest index were also determined. On the other hand, soil zinc behavior was evaluated by sequential extraction and the interactions between Zn and Fe as well as Mn and Cu in calcareous soil was considered. Significant differences were found between all parameters investigated. Application of rock phosphate enriched with humic acid and inoculated with phosphorous dissolved bacteria as P-humate was more effective on soil chemical characteristics especially when combined with Zn-humate. Application of rock phosphate was of lower effect on all parameters studied than superphosphate. These beneficial effects were positively reflected on each of the studied plant parameters of wheat grown on calcareous soils under consideration.
Summary in Arabic.
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