Effect of different levels of magnesium on growth and nutrient status of "hindy" banana plants grown in sand culture [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.891-902Other title:- "تأثير المستويات المختلفة من المغنسيوم على النمو الخضرى ومحتوى العناصر الغذائية لنباتات الموز النامية فى مزرعة رملية" [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2009 v. 4 (3) Part (3) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
This study was carried out during two seasons to study the effect of different levels of magnesium on Hindy banana plants grown in sand culture. The different levels of magnesium in the nutrient solution did not affect vegetative growth significantly. Removing magnesium from the nutrient solution only induced a very limited area at the tip or margins of the blade of older leaf at the base of the pseudostem which appeared chlorotic or burned. When Mg content in the third leaf from the top of the plant attained 0.43- 0.60% it means a lack of magnesium. When plants were supplied with standard nutrient solution, Mg content ranged between 0.76- 0.82%. When magnesium was existed in excess in the nutrient solution, the percentage of Mg in the leaves ranged between 0.89- 0.94%. Removing or reducing magnesium from the nutrient solution increased P, Ca and decreased Mg but had no effect on N while increasing magnesium in the nutrient solution increased N, P and Mg but K, Ca and Na were not affected.
Summary in Arabic.
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