Effect of ventilation percent and location on the productivity of some cantaloupe cultivars under low tunnel conditions [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.717-729Other title:- تأثير نسب فتحات النهوية ومكانها على إنتاجية بعض أصناف الكنتالوب تحت ظروف الأنفاق البلاستيكية [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2010 v. 5 (3) Part (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Two field experiments were carried out in a private farm at El-Sheikh Zwyied, North Sinai governorate during the two successive seasons of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 to study the effect of ventilation percent and location [ i.e. open the tunnels of 10% east (v1), open the tunnels 10% west (v), open the tunnels 10% east west (v23), open the tunnels 10% west east (v),open the tunnels 20% east (v45), open the tunnels 20% west ( v), and open the tunnels 20% east west (v67)] using two cantaloupe cultivars ( i.e. Imperial, C AND Yathrib hybrid, C12). The effects of the previously mentioned factors on growth, yield and and yield components were studied. Results indicated that plant height, leaf area, number of leaves per plant, fresh weight and dry weight were significantly affected by the two cultivar treatments. The highest one was found for C2 treatment. Also, the previously mentioned characters were significantly affected by ventilation percent and location. The maximum one was registered for V5 treatment. The highest interaction was found for C2 X V5 in the two growing seasons. Results indicated also that fruit length in the first season and TS in the second season were superior for C2 treatment. While, fruit diameter, shape index, flesh thickness, TS in the first season and fruit length, fruit diameter, shape index, flesh thickness in the second season were increased for C treatment.
Summary in Arabic.
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