Effect of slow release fertilizers, biofertilizers, humic acid and sulfur on cantaloupe plants under low tunnels conditions [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.753-767Other title:
  • تأثير الأسمدة بطيئة التحلل والأسمدة الحيوية وحمض الهيوميك والكبريت على نمو ومحصول الكنتالوب تحت الأنفاق البلاستيكية [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2010 v. 5 (3) Part (2) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences 2010.v.5(3)Part(2)Summary: This work was performed to study the interaction between the rates of enciabein (slow release nitrogen fertilizer), biofertilizers, sulfur and humic acid of cantaloupe (Curcumas melo L.) cv. The stydy was conducted at Bear- EL Abd, North Sinai governorate during two successive seasons 2008 and2009 .The used cantaloupe was ideal F1 hybrid . The treatment was on main plot : Enciabein at a rate of 40 units, Enciabein at a rate of 80 units and Enciabein at a rate of 120 units and sub main plot was Humic acid (HA) applied at the rate of 50 mg/kg soil 15 days after transplanting, Esterna (E) at a rate of 40 kg/ fed. Esterna biofert mixed with wet sand into the absorption zone of plant roots were applied before transplanting and at 45 and 75 days from transplanting, Sulfur (S) at a rate of 500 ppm was applied before transplanting and Control (C) 100 % recommended NPK.The record parameters were: - Plant height (cm). leaf area (cm2) the average leaf area was measured for the 5th true leaf by using laser leaf area meter. Number of leaves per plant. Fresh weight per plant (g). Dry weight per plant (g) ,the average dry weight of plant sample was dried at 70°C .Fruit physical characteristics were recorded,such as fruit length (cm) fruit diameter (cm). Shape index (L/D). Flesh thickness (cm).Also, yield and its components were recorded , such as early yield (kg/plant) for the first two picking, total yield (ton/ fed)and average fruit weight (g). The best results of plant height, leaf area, no. of leaves, fresh weight plant and dry weight plant, fruit length(Cm) , fruit diameter(cm) , shape index, flesh thickness(cm) , Tss (%) , N%,P% ,K%,(Fe,Zn,Cu,Mn(ppm)), early yield (ton/fed ) total yield ton/fed. Average fruit weight (gm) was found in slow release fertilizers with 40unite and humic acid. The aim of this work is to improve yields and its quality via bio fertilizers and humic acid. Inaction, slow release with sulfur may effects on elements aspirations which lead to enhance the plant vegetative growth, also in increased the yield and its quality.
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This work was performed to study the interaction between the rates of enciabein (slow release nitrogen fertilizer), biofertilizers, sulfur and humic acid of cantaloupe (Curcumas melo L.) cv. The stydy was conducted at Bear- EL Abd, North Sinai governorate during two successive seasons 2008 and2009 .The used cantaloupe was ideal F1 hybrid . The treatment was on main plot : Enciabein at a rate of 40 units, Enciabein at a rate of 80 units and Enciabein at a rate of 120 units and sub main plot was Humic acid (HA) applied at the rate of 50 mg/kg soil 15 days after transplanting, Esterna (E) at a rate of 40 kg/ fed. Esterna biofert mixed with wet sand into the absorption zone of plant roots were applied before transplanting and at 45 and 75 days from transplanting, Sulfur (S) at a rate of 500 ppm was applied before transplanting and Control (C) 100 % recommended NPK.The record parameters were: - Plant height (cm). leaf area (cm2) the average leaf area was measured for the 5th true leaf by using laser leaf area meter. Number of leaves per plant. Fresh weight per plant (g). Dry weight per plant (g) ,the average dry weight of plant sample was dried at 70°C .Fruit physical characteristics were recorded,such as fruit length (cm) fruit diameter (cm). Shape index (L/D). Flesh thickness (cm).Also, yield and its components were recorded , such as early yield (kg/plant) for the first two picking, total yield (ton/ fed)and average fruit weight (g). The best results of plant height, leaf area, no. of leaves, fresh weight plant and dry weight plant, fruit length(Cm) , fruit diameter(cm) , shape index, flesh thickness(cm) , Tss (%) , N%,P% ,K%,(Fe,Zn,Cu,Mn(ppm)), early yield (ton/fed ) total yield ton/fed. Average fruit weight (gm) was found in slow release fertilizers with 40unite and humic acid. The aim of this work is to improve yields and its quality via bio fertilizers and humic acid. Inaction, slow release with sulfur may effects on elements aspirations which lead to enhance the plant vegetative growth, also in increased the yield and its quality.

Summary in Arabic.


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