Evaluation of different bread wheat genotypes for drought tolerance under sandy soil conditions by canopy temperature and excised leaf water loss techniques [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.85-102Other title:- تقييم تراكيب وراثية مختلفة من قمح الخبز لتحمل إجهاد الجفاف تحت ظروف الأراضى الرملية بقياس درجة حرارة الغطاء النباتى ومعدل فقد من الأوراق المنزوعة [Added title page title]
- Alexandria science exchange journal, 2011 v. 32 (2) [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
Two field experiments were conducted :H the Experimental Farm of Damanhour Faculty of Agriculture, at EI- Baustan, Damanhour University, Egypt during 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 winter growing seasons. This study aimed to evaluate sixteen bread wheat genotypes (locals and introductions) for drought tolerance under newly reclaimed area by two tecnniques; i.e. the canopy temperature (Tc) and the excised -leaf water loss (ELWL); and to compare these techniques with grain yield and kernel weight susceptibility indices.
Summary in Arabic.
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