Some subacute liver and kidney hazards by technical metalaxyl in male albino rats [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.323-335Other title:- بعض الأضرار تحت الحادة للكبد و الكلي بواسطة الميتالاكسيل الخام في ذكور الفئران البيضاء [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2008 v. 3 (2) Part II [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The present study aimed to evaluate biochemically and histopathologically some subacute toxicity aspects for livers and kidneys of albino rats treated with four different doses (50, 100, 150, 200ppm) from the technical fungicide metalaxyl (95%). The biochemical results in respect to liver function showed significant increase in AST enzyme activity after two weeks of treatment with the dose levels 50,150ppm, significant increase in ALT enzyme activity after the first week with the dose levels 50,100,150ppm. Also ALP enzyme activity was increased significantly by the dose level 50 ppm after one week of treatment. In respect of kidney function the data showed significant increase in urea concentration with the dose level 100ppm after one week of treatment , with the dose level 50ppm after the second week, with the dose levels 50,100ppm after the third week and with the dose levels 150,200ppm after the fourth week . Plasma calcium concentration was increased significantly by all used dose levels after the first week of treatment and by the dose levels 100,150ppm after the second week .Also plasma phosphorus concentration was decreased significantly by the dose levels 50,100ppm after the first week of treatment. Most of these changes were disappeared after the recovery period. The liver histopathological examination at the end of treatment period showed some necrosis and vacuolar degeneration change , congestion of blood vessels , infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells , thrombus formation in the blood vessels , newly formed bile ductless , sever hemorrhage and peknosis.
Summary in Arabic.
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