Hypoglycemic effects of taro mucilage on streptozotocine-induced diabetic rats [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.169-191Other title:- التأثير الخافض للموسيلاج المستخلص من القلقاس على الفئران المصابة بمرض السكر [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2008 v. 3 (3) Part I [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
In recent years, the use of foods with perceived health protective effects (i.e. functional foods) has received considerable attention for reducing disease risks. Mucilage is, in general, a water extract from some plants, a component with excellent prospects as an additive not only for the food industry, but also for other healthy and industrial uses. A numerous studies revealed that it composed of some ingredients which possessed multiples therapeutic properties on the experimental rats. With such point of views, the current study interests to separate, dehydrate the taro mucilage and utilize varied concentrations (1, 3 and 6%) of the product, in addition to 6% of whole and demucilage taro, in feeding of induced diabetes rat groups for two months. Such five groups were biologically and histologically compared with another two control groups fed on the basal diet, the first was non diabetes and the second was diabetes, negative and positive group, respectively. The current work shows that the mucilage enhanced the deal with the diabetes disease through recovery the insulin secretion and lowered the glucose presence in rat blood serum to be close to the negative control than that fed on the other diets. The same pattern was also found in case of triglycerides and the cholesterol profile, i.e., lowered the harmful fractions, triglycerides, LDL and VLDL, and enhanced the desirable one, HDL. Liver (ALP, ALT and AST) and kidney (Uric acid, Urea and Creatinine) functions as well as lipid oxidation parameters (SOD, GSPx, GSH and TBARs) were pronounced lower in the mucilage groups than that of the other diabetic rat groups, on contrary of specific parameters of the positive group diet. On the other hand, a varied significant difference of body.
Summary in Arabic.
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