Biochemical studies on production of some secondary metabolites in Ecballium elaterium using tissue culture techniques [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.287-302Other title:- دراسات كيميائية حيوية علي انتاج بعض المركبات الثانوية في نبات قثاء الحمار بواسطة تقنية زراعة الانسجة [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2008 v. 3 (3) Part II [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
This investigation was undertaken to study the effect of using different Ecballium elaterium tissue culture techniques whether by changing concentration of basal medium components or elicitors on biomass and cucurbitacins accumulation. It was found that 5% sucrose was the best for biomass and total cucurbitacins accumulation while 7% sucrose was the best for CuE accumulation. Addition of high concentration of calcium to culture medium inhibited plant cell growth while increased cucurbitacins accumulation. There was a positive proportional between phosphate concentration and biomass depletion of phosphate from culture media leads to marked increases in cucurbitacins accumulation. Lower NH+-/NO43 ratios in the medium were favorable for cell growth while decreasing nitrate level increased the production of cucurbitacins. Yeast elicitor improved the growth and enhanced cucurbitacins accumulation. The fungal elicitor treatment depressed the biomass yield at all concentrations except the lowest (0.5 g/l) while 1 g/l of fungal elicitor was the best for Cu content % and 0.5 g/l gave the highest value for Cu yield & Cu E accumulation. There was inversely proportional between concentrations of salicylic acid or hydrogen peroxide and biomass accumulation on the other hand they showed positive proportional with cucurbitacins accumulation.
Summary in Arabic.
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