Effect of fortified biscuit with soybean flour as hypoglycemic agent in diabetic rats [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.303-324Other title:
  • تأثير البسكويت المدعم بدقيق فول الصويا كعامل خافض لمستوى الجلوكوز في الفئران المصابة بمرض البول السكري [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2008 v. 3 (3) Part II [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences 2008.v.3(3)IISummary: The present investigation was conducted to investigate the effect of unfortified biscuits, fortified biscuits with soybean flour and school children biscuits on some biological and biochemical parameters such as food intake, percent weight gain, serum glucose, liver functions, kidney functions and iron status in normal and diabetic rats. Biscuits were fortified with 10, 15 and 20% soybean flour. Biscuits samples were evaluated to choose the best samples for the biological part. Sixty albino rats were divided into two main groups (30 rats/each) .The first main group was normal while the second main group was hyperglycemic. Both groups were divided into six subgroups fed on basal diet containing 2.5 or 5% protein from unfortified biscuits, school children biscuits and fortified biscuits with 10% soybean flour. After 5 weeks rats were sacrificed and blood samples were collected to obtain the serum. Results indicated that feeding diabetic groups on basal diet containing soybean flour led to an improvement in serum glucose, liver functions and urea nitrogen. While normal groups fed on basal diet containing 5% protein from school children biscuit led to an improvement in total iron. The healthy groups fed on basal diet containing 5% protein from fortified biscuit with 10% soybean flour led to an improvement in total iron binding capacity. It is recommended to use soybean flour in diabetic foods and diets.
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The present investigation was conducted to investigate the effect of unfortified biscuits, fortified biscuits with soybean flour and school children biscuits on some biological and biochemical parameters such as food intake, percent weight gain, serum glucose, liver functions, kidney functions and iron status in normal and diabetic rats. Biscuits were fortified with 10, 15 and 20% soybean flour. Biscuits samples were evaluated to choose the best samples for the biological part. Sixty albino rats were divided into two main groups (30 rats/each) .The first main group was normal while the second main group was hyperglycemic. Both groups were divided into six subgroups fed on basal diet containing 2.5 or 5% protein from unfortified biscuits, school children biscuits and fortified biscuits with 10% soybean flour. After 5 weeks rats were sacrificed and blood samples were collected to obtain the serum. Results indicated that feeding diabetic groups on basal diet containing soybean flour led to an improvement in serum glucose, liver functions and urea nitrogen. While normal groups fed on basal diet containing 5% protein from school children biscuit led to an improvement in total iron. The healthy groups fed on basal diet containing 5% protein from fortified biscuit with 10% soybean flour led to an improvement in total iron binding capacity. It is recommended to use soybean flour in diabetic foods and diets.

Summary in Arabic.


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