Chemical, microbiological and acceptability properties of some dairy based beverages [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 395-408Other title:- الخواص الكيميائية و الميكروبيولوجية ودرجة القبول لبعض المشروبات اللبنية [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2010 v. 5 (3) Part I [electronic resource].
Includes references.
As consumer demand for traditional carbonated drinks falls, the market for beverages with perceived health-promoting properties is growing rapidly. Formulating a nutritional, nutraceutical or functional beverage with satisfactory sensory quality and shelf-life can be challenging. The characteristics of beverage made from carrot, kiwi, or date and milk were studied. The beverage was done by blinding 20% pasteurized cow’s milk with carrot, kiwi and date (10%, 20%.30% and 40%) of each.
Summary in Arabic.
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