Effect of applicator-types on fungicide efficiency and environmental pollution [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.735-746Other title:- تأثير نوع تطبيقات الرش على كفاءة المبيدات الفطرية [Added title page title]
- Misr journal of agricultural engineering, 2003 v.20 (4), Special issue [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
The effect of different fungicide applicator types, i. e. high volume (HV), low volume (LV) and ultra low volume (UlV) on the efficacy of five fungicides (Ridomil plus, Cupper Oxichloride. Ferro Z, Kocide 101 and Pervicur N) used to control downy mildew disease caused by Psendoperonospora cubensis' on cucumber. The different rates of application (4 application rates 400,200,100 and 50 Ufed} were applied. In addition, some technical aspects, which play an important role in the environmental pollution. were estimated. All the tested fungicides showed significant disease control. Ridomil puis and Previcur N showed the highest efficacy in the two successive years. When the HV applicator was used, decreasing the amount of the fungicide suspension from 400 to 50 L/ed resulted in drastically decreasing in the fungicide efficacy. The UL V applicator showed the highest fungicide efficacy compared with the other applicators. Applying the fungicide using UL V applicator at the rate of 100Llfed, showed more efficacy than that obtained by applying 400l1fed using HV applicator. Technical field tests indicated that the ULV applicator produced very small droplets (204 droplets per cm2 of 56.66um in diameter). The LV applicator produced small spray droplets (163 droptets per cm2 of 146um in diameter), while the HV applicator produced relativefy large spray droplets (98 droplets per cm2 of 198 µm in diameter).
Summary in Arabic.
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