Combining ability for grain yield and some related traits of newly yellow maize (Zee mays L.) inbred lines [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.331-341Other title:
  • قدرة التآلف لمحصول الحبوب وبعض الصفات المرتبطة فى مجموعة من سلالات الذرة الشامية الصفراء الجديدة [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Mansoura University journal of agricultural chemistry and biotechnology, 2011 v.2 (12) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural chemistry and biotechnology 2011.v.2(12)Summary: Nine S5 newly yellow maize inbred lines. were developed.from segregted generation of different Hungarian sources were topcrossed with two testers i.e., inbred line Giza (Gz)-656 and single cross SC-166 at Ismailia Agricultural Research Station during 2009 growing season. In 2010 summer season, the 18 topcrosses and two yellow commercial check hybrids; SC-162 and TWC-352 were evaluated on two locations; sakha and Ismailia Agricultura1 Research Stations. The sfudied traits were grain yield (GY ard/fed), ear length (EL cm), ear diameter (EO cm), •No. of row ear -l (RE -1), days to 50% silking (SD day) and plant height (pH cm). Results shoWed that the differences between two locations were significant for all studied traits, indicating that environmental conditions were different at both locations. The crosses and their partionining to lines were significant for all studied traits except RE -1 trait for lines. Mean squares due to (L x loc) were significant for RE -1, SD and PH traits. On the other hand. the Interaction of (T x loc) and (L x T x loc) were Insignificant for all studied traits except GY and PH traits for (L x T x loc) Interaction Which• Were significant. The topcrosses (ll xTl) (36.37 ard/fed), Cl2 x T1) (36.80 ardned) were significantly" out yielded the check hybrid SC-162 (32.40 ardlfed). Meanwhile, the topcrosses L1 XT1 (36.37 a ard/fed). L7x T1 (36.80 ardll'ed). IT xT1(35.53 ardlfed), L2 x T:z (34.32 ardll'ed) and l7 x T:z (33.50 ardIfed) were highly significant compared with the check hybrid lWC-352 (30.20 ard/fed). The inbred lines L1. L2 and L7 have desirable GCA effects for GY and some yield components. Also. the inbred lines 1.3 and L8 exhibited desirable negative GCA effects for earliness and shorter plants. The relative relationship between GY GCA effects and the yield component traits (VCTs) GCA effects suggested that the direction of grain yield GCA effects (i.e., positive or negative) was largely detennined by the number of YCTs GCA effects in the same direction. That is. if a line had significantly positive GY GCA effects. it usually had more YCTs with significantly positive GCA effects. and if as line had significantly negative GY GCA effect. it generally had a greater number of YCT's showing significantly negative GCA effects. The additive genetic effects (sigma2 GCA) seemed to have played an important role than non additive genetic 4iIffects (sigma2 SCA) In the expression of grain yield. ear length, ear diameter and silking date traits, While the sigma- SCA played the major role in the inheritance of No. of rows ear -1 and plant height traits.
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Nine S5 newly yellow maize inbred lines. were developed.from segregted generation of different Hungarian sources were topcrossed with two testers i.e., inbred line Giza (Gz)-656 and single cross SC-166 at Ismailia Agricultural Research Station during 2009 growing season. In 2010 summer season, the 18 topcrosses and two yellow commercial check hybrids; SC-162 and TWC-352 were evaluated on two locations; sakha and Ismailia Agricultura1 Research Stations. The sfudied traits were grain yield (GY ard/fed), ear length (EL cm), ear diameter (EO cm), •No. of row ear -l (RE -1), days to 50% silking (SD day) and plant height (pH cm). Results shoWed that the differences between two locations were significant for all studied traits, indicating that environmental conditions were different at both locations. The crosses and their partionining to lines were significant for all studied traits except RE -1 trait for lines. Mean squares due to (L x loc) were significant for RE -1, SD and PH traits. On the other hand. the Interaction of (T x loc) and (L x T x loc) were Insignificant for all studied traits except GY and PH traits for (L x T x loc) Interaction Which• Were significant. The topcrosses (ll xTl) (36.37 ard/fed), Cl2 x T1) (36.80 ardned) were significantly" out yielded the check hybrid SC-162 (32.40 ardlfed). Meanwhile, the topcrosses L1 XT1 (36.37 a ard/fed). L7x T1 (36.80 ardll'ed). IT xT1(35.53 ardlfed), L2 x T:z (34.32 ardll'ed) and l7 x T:z (33.50 ardIfed) were highly significant compared with the check hybrid lWC-352 (30.20 ard/fed). The inbred lines L1. L2 and L7 have desirable GCA effects for GY and some yield components. Also. the inbred lines 1.3 and L8 exhibited desirable negative GCA effects for earliness and shorter plants. The relative relationship between GY GCA effects and the yield component traits (VCTs) GCA effects suggested that the direction of grain yield GCA effects (i.e., positive or negative) was largely detennined by the number of YCTs GCA effects in the same direction. That is. if a line had significantly positive GY GCA effects. it usually had more YCTs with significantly positive GCA effects. and if as line had significantly negative GY GCA effect. it generally had a greater number of YCT's showing significantly negative GCA effects. The additive genetic effects (sigma2 GCA) seemed to have played an important role than non additive genetic 4iIffects (sigma2 SCA) In the expression of grain yield. ear length, ear diameter and silking date traits, While the sigma- SCA played the major role in the inheritance of No. of rows ear -1 and plant height traits.

Summary in Arabic.


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