Effect of fertilization on chemical compositions and juice quality of sugar cane [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1639-1655Other title:- تأثير التسميد على المكونات الكيماوية وجودة عصير قصب السكر [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of agricultural research, 2003 v. 81 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The present work was conducted for two successive seasons, i,e. 1996 /1997 and 1997 /1998 at Shandaweel Research Station, Agricultural Research Centre, Sohag Governorate. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of biofertilizer on growth characters, chemical components, juice quality, yield and yield components of sugar cane varieties.The experiments included 18 treatments which were the combination between two sugar cane varieties (G.T.54-9 and G.85-37) and nine fertilization treatments: 180 kg N /fed., 120 kg N / fed., 60 kg N / fed., inoculation with Azotobacter +60 kg N /fed., or +120 kg / fed., in- oculation with Azospirillum +60 kg/fed., inoculation with Azospirillumm +120 kg / fed., inoculation with Azotobacter only and inoculation with Azospirillum only.
Summary in Arabic.
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