Effect of phosphorus and micronutrients fertilization accompanied with VA- mycorrhizal fungi in controlling rhizoctonia damping-off on the growth and nutritional status of cotton plants [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1139- 1157Other title:
  • تأثير كل من التسميد بالفوسفور والعناصر الصغري مع التلقيح بفطريات الميكوريزا على مقاومة مرض موت البادرات والنمو والحالة الغذائية لنباتات القطن [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Annals of agricultural science, 2002 v. 47 (3) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Annals of Agricultural Science 2002.v.47(3)Summary: An experiment was carried out under outdoor conditions to study the effect of phosphatic, iron and manganese fertilization along with VA-mycorrhizal inoculation as a biocontrol agent on Rhizoctonia damping-off , growth and nutritional status of co ton plants. Results show a significant reduction of disease incidence pre and postemergence of cotton seedlings. Also, inoculating the soil with obligate symbiotic fungi (VAM), compared to un-inoculated soil, gave the highest percentage of healthy survival cotton seedlings. Shoot and root dry weights of cotton mycorrhizal plants were significantly higher than in non-mycorrhizal plants grown in either infested or non-infested soils. Data also show that iron treatment increased dry matter content of shoot by 18% at lowest P level, but at the highestlevel of P, the iron treatment increased shoot dry weight three times than at the lowest level. An opposite trend was obtained with Mn treatments at the highest P level. The highest response to mycorrhizal inoculation in root dry weight was obtained at PIIMnI and PI in infested and non-infested soils respectively.
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An experiment was carried out under outdoor conditions to study the effect of phosphatic, iron and manganese fertilization along with VA-mycorrhizal inoculation as a biocontrol agent on Rhizoctonia damping-off , growth and nutritional status of co ton plants. Results show a significant reduction of disease incidence pre and postemergence of cotton seedlings. Also, inoculating the soil with obligate symbiotic fungi (VAM), compared to un-inoculated soil, gave the highest percentage of healthy survival cotton seedlings. Shoot and root dry weights of cotton mycorrhizal plants were significantly higher than in non-mycorrhizal plants grown in either infested or non-infested soils. Data also show that iron treatment increased dry matter content of shoot by 18% at lowest P level, but at the highestlevel of P, the iron treatment increased shoot dry weight three times than at the lowest level. An opposite trend was obtained with Mn treatments at the highest P level. The highest response to mycorrhizal inoculation in root dry weight was obtained at PIIMnI and PI in infested and non-infested soils respectively.

Summary in Arabic.


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