Response of cotton plants to phosphatic and zinc fertilization accompanied with arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculation as a biological control of cotton seedling-damping-off [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1159- 1178Other title:- استجابة نبات القطن للتسميد بالفوسفور والزنك مع التلقيح بفطريات الميكوريزا كعامل حيوي لمقاومة أمراض البادرات [Added title page title]
- Annals of agricultural science, 2002 v. 47 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
This work has been carried out at the Cotton Disease Department, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center at Giza, under out-door conditions, and in a private field in Fayoum Governorate in season of 2000 using certified seeds of Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) cultivar Giza 80, to study the response of cotton plants to phosphatic and zinc fertilization accompained with amycorhiza inoculation. Application of arbuscular mycorrhizae along with phosphatic and zinc fertilization in pot experiment using natural field soil and soil infested wilh R. solani, significantly reduced the disease incidence of cotton seedlings. However, it significantly increased the survival of plants and gave the heaviest dry weights of shoots and roots, compared to non-mycorrhizal application, in either infested soil or natural field soil. The highest percent of mycorrhizae-root colonization was found in the plants grown in infested soil at low P-level. Mycorrhizal plants had a higher content of total chlorophyll and total carbohydrates than non-mycorrhizal
Summary in Arabic.
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