Determining consumptive use and yield affected by water regime and nitrogen fertilizer for squash plant under sprinkler irrigation system [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.508-524Other title:- تقدير الإستهلاك المائى لمحصول الكوسة المتأثر بالنظام المائي ومستويات التسميد النيتروجينى تحت نظام الري بالرش [Added title page title]
- Misr journal of agricultural engineering, 2002 v.19 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Field Experiment was carried out at the experimental farm of Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Inshas ,Egypt, to study the effect of water regime and nitrogen fertilizer level in addition to their interaction on plant growth ,yield, consumptive use and plant factor (Kc) of squash c.v. Eskandarani in sandy soil treated with tafla as 7:1 ratio (sand: tafla) The obtained results could be summarized as follows. The calculated amounts of irrigation water were 1117,1025,727 (m3/feddan) for WI, W2 and W3 respectively. Key words: squash - Irrigation regime Nitrogen fertilizer-Plant factor, Kc - sandy soil.
Summary in Arabic.
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