Seedless watermelon propagation by cuttings [electronic resource]: A- effect of planting containers, cutting types and IBA on transplants production from cutting.
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.183-192Other title:- اكثار البطيخ عديم البذور بواسطة العقل: أ- تأثير أوعية الزراعة ونوع العقلة واندول حمض البيوتريك علي انتاج الشتلات [Added title page title]
- Bulletin of faculty of agriculture. Cairo University, 2014 v. 65 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes bibliographical references.
Vegetative propagation is widely used to multiply some horticultural crops. Cuttings are an important method of vegetative propagation. The present study was conducted to propagate seedless watermelon by cuttings and study some factors affecting success of the watermelon cuttings propagation. This technique depends on taking the cuttings from mother plants planted under optimal conditions. Seedless cv. Yellow Buttercup (QV 766) F₁ (yellow flesh) and SSX 7402 F₁ hybrid (red flesh) were used in this study. Two types of cuttings were used: the first type was cuttings from terminal growing point of the main stem and lateral branches with 10 to 15 cm in length, 0.4 to 0.6 cm in diameter and the second type was cuttings included one node, bud and leaf. Two periods of cuttings were taken from these mother plants. at 45 and 75days from transplanting. The cuttings were treated with 3 concentrations of IBA. viz., 0,100 and 200 ppm to promote the adventitious root fom1ation. The first and second cuttings were planted in two types of containers, viz., speed ling trays and pots ( 8 cm). The study was conducted in factorial experiments in randomized complete block design with three replicates during two successive seasons 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 at a nursery in Badrashein City. Giza Governorate. Egypt. The results showed no significant differences between both types of containers in all the characteristics in both seasons. IBA concentrations exhibited a significant positive effect on the survival percentage and roots number and length. Cuttings included one node gave a higher survival percentage of cuttings than the terminal cuttings. The same results were obtained for the number and length of roots in the first and second seasons in both hybrids under study. The bilateral and triple interactions among container types, IBA concentrations and cutting types did not show any significant effect. IBA and types of cuttings individually showed significant effects on the cuttings success as a survival percentage, roots formation and number and length of roots. The interaction between IBA and cutting types gave significant effect on the survival percentage only. Key words: cuttings, IBA, propagation, seedless watermelon, triploid.
Summary in Arabic.
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