Influence of different cabbage and cauliflower varieties on the attractiveness of the main homopterous insect pests [electronic resource].
Language: Description: p.91-104Other title:- تأثير أصناف الكرنب والقنبيط المختلفة فى جاذبية أهم الافات الحشرية من رتبة متشابهة الأجنحة [Added title page title]
- Zagazig journal of agricultural research, 2015 v. 42 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The present investigation aimed to study the influence of three cabbage varieties (Brunswick Sandovalli, Brunswick Shelly and Japanese S-0-X) and three cauliflower varieties (Sultani, Aadeem Nazeer and Grapho) on the population density of aphids, leafhoppers and whitefly insects. The obtained results showed pronounced differences in the population densities of the aforementioned insects on the tested varieties .The finding results of some chemical analyses of the tested plants showed a positive relationship between protein, carbohydrate contents and aforementioned insect infestations in all cabbage and cauliflower varieties. While, a reverse relationship was recorded between pH values and insect infestations. According to these results the resistant varieties can be recommended as an effective factor in the integrated pest control program where they play an important role in depressing the populations of the tested insect species of the present work.
Summary in Arabic.
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