Using safety environment essential oil to improve quality and storage ability for grapes [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.521-536Other title:- استخدام الزيوت الطبية لتحسين الجودة والقدرة التخزينية للعنب [Added title page title]
- Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2013 v.30 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Table grapes are one of the oldest fruit known their cultivation in Egypt. Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea the most important postharvest disease of table grapes. The fungus grows vigorously on harvested grapes and can spread among berries even at low temperatures (-0.5°C). The most common commercial method to control decay is the use of SO2 during cold storage. The S02 is harmful to human health and environmental. The main objective is found alternative of Sulfur dioxide pad. In this study used two varieties of grapes: - I) Sugraone Seedless: It is a white seedless, and 2)Crimson Seedless : It is a red seedless. With threetreatments. I) Were used LifeSpan (MAP) and essential oil pad. 2) Were used LifeSpan and essential oil was sprayed before harvest with 24 hour .3) were used LifeSpan as a kind of Modified Atmosphere Packing only (control treatment). Measurements the properties which the quality of grapes depend on its like Total Soluble Solids (T.S.S %), total acidity, weight losses, shatter percentage, brown and rots percentage and diameter .storage grapes at Maintaining a low temperature is a primary consideration in securing cooling of grapes it's I±I. However, maintaining a high relative humidity of 95% and above during the storage is very important to minimize moisture loss and keep the stems in good condition and green. From this experiment, the LifeSpan and Bail oil was the best treatment with Sugraone (white grapes) and Crimson (red grapes). It got storage period until 60 days with very good quality. Keyword: -Grape- Modified Atmosphere Packing-essential oil- Quality.
Summary in Arabic.
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