Transboundary virtual water and water footprint for some crops in Egypt [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.713-738Other title:- دراسة عن مياه العابرة للحدود والبصمة المائية لبعض المحاصيل فى مصر [Added title page title]
- Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2015 v.32 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Water footprint and virtual water flow analyses were conducted for rice, wheat, maize, and sugarcane. From results, the water footprint of Egyptian rice is 1593 m3/ton which is 0% green, 82% blue, and 18% grey water footprint. It is advised to decrease the planted rice area to 0.95 MFed/year. Rice is preferred to import. However, the water footprint of wheat is 1932 m3/ton which-is 2.7% green, 67.9°/o blue, and 29.4% grey water .footprint. It is advised to increase the planted wheat area to 36. 7MFed/year. Wheat is preferred to cover nation consumption and not preferred to import. Not only that but also, the water footprint of Egyptian maize is 2079.8 m3/ton which is 1% green, 60.6% blue, and 38.4% grey water footprint. It is advised to export maize to get high income. The water footprint of sugarcane is 349.8 m3/ton which is 0.83% green, 89.14% blue, and 10% grey water footprint. It is advised not to import sugarcane due to the imported is lower than the exported economic water productivity. Key words: water footprint, green water footprint, blue water footprint, virtual water, economic water productivity, energetic water productivity.
Summary in Arabic.
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