Effect of ginger on serum lipids profile, liver and kidney functions of rats [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.209-228Other title:
  • تأثير الجنزبيل على دهون الدم ووظائف الكبد والكلى لفئران التجارب.‪ [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2012 v. 7 (1) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences 2012.v.7(1)Summary: Ginger,the Rizome of Zingiber Officinalis, one of most widely used species of ginger family is common used for various foods and beverages. It is known to posses’ potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-platelets, hypotensive and hypolipidemic effect. Also, ginger contains a number of co-active constituents, which might be potentially useful in the treatment of various diseases. The study were carried out on dry raw rizomes ginger, water extract, essential oil of ginger and Zacor as a drug were added in diets of albino male rats for 6weeks . The biochemical and histological experimentation were investigated to show the health effects of ginger. The chemical components of ginger essential oil and water extract were fractionated and identified to show the concentration of phenoleic compounds which have antioxidant and healthy effect.
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Ginger,the Rizome of Zingiber Officinalis, one of most widely used species of ginger family is common used for various foods and beverages. It is known to posses’ potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-platelets, hypotensive and hypolipidemic effect. Also, ginger contains a number of co-active constituents, which might be potentially useful in the treatment of various diseases. The study were carried out on dry raw rizomes ginger, water extract, essential oil of ginger and Zacor as a drug were added in diets of albino male rats for 6weeks . The biochemical and histological experimentation were investigated to show the health effects of ginger. The chemical components of ginger essential oil and water extract were fractionated and identified to show the concentration of phenoleic compounds which have antioxidant and healthy effect.

Summary in Arabic.


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