Effect of supplementing ration with thiamin and/or sodium bicarbonate on ruminal fermentation, digestibility and serum parameters of rams [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.225-233Other title:- تأثير إضافة الثيامين مع / أو بدون بيكربونات الصوديوم على تخمرات الكرش والهضم و وقياسات سيرم الدم فى الكباش [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of nutrition and feeds, 2007 v. 10 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Four rams were used in 4x4 Latin square design with 21-d. periods. The four treatments were: G1) control diet. G2) control diet supplemented with 34 mg thiamin. G3) control diet supplemented with 34 mg thiamin plus 16 g sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃) and G4) control diet supplemented with 16 g NaHCO₃ g/d/h. The control diet consisted of 50% green forage (Darawa) and 50% concentrate feed mixture (on DM basis). The main results indicated that differences in ruminal pH and NH-N among all groups were not significant (p>0.05). whereas, total volatile fatty acids (TVFA's) concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.05) for group G3 comparing with group G1. Concerning results of digestibility, all nutrients digestibilities were not statistically different (P>0.05), except protein digestibility of G3. which significantly (P<0.05) decreased compared with the control. Blood serum GOT arid GPT showed non significant differences among: all groups in there activities. It could be concluded that thiamin alone or with NaHCO₃ supplementation to rams rations improved ruminal TVFA's. without delelerious effects on animal health.
Summary in Arabic.
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