Effect of soil and foliar application of humic acid on productivity of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolcr L moench) grown in calcareous soil under different levels of phosphate fertilizer [electronic resource]
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.557-574Other title:- تأثير الإضافة الأرضية والرش لحامض الهيوميك علي نمو وإنتاجية الذرة الرفيعة النامية فى أرض جيرية تحت مستويات مختلفة من التسميد الفوسفاتى [Added title page title]
- Fayoum journal of agricultural research and development, 2021 v. 35 (3) [electronic resource]
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Main | ART FJARD V35 No3 9 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available |
Includes bibliographic reference
The current study was conducted to assess the main and interaction effects of humic acid with different levels of phosphate fertilizer
on yield and yield component of grain sorghum {Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench} grown in calcareous soil. Two field experiments were
carried out consecutively at Tamiya experiment station Agric. Res. Center (A.R.C), Fayoum Governorate Egypt, during the summer
growing seasons 2019 and 2020. The experimental layout was a split- split plot arranged in randomized complete block design with four replications.
The application of phosphorus fertilizers had significant effect in all yield attributes panicle length, panicle diameter, panicle weight,
1000 grain weight, shelling percentage (%), fodder yield and grain weight. Soil application and foliar spraying of humic acid reflected positive
significant influences on yield and its components in both seasons. Soil application H20 followed by H10 and Foliar spraying F2 followed by F1
were the potent treatment for increasing yield and its components compared with control treatments (without humic acid).
Key Words: sorghum (Sorghum bicolcr L Moench.), Humic acid, Phosphorus fertilizers, Reclaimed soils, Growth stage, Yield.
Summary in Arabic
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