Winter cereals and food legumes in mountainous areas : proceedings of an International Symposium on Problems and Prospects of Winter Cereals and Food Legumes Production in the High-Elevation Areas of West Asia, Southeast Asia, and North Africa, 6-10 July 1987, Ankara, Turkey / editors, J.P. Srivastava ... [et al.] ; sponsors, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Affairs [and] International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. by Series: ICARDA (Series) ; 136.
Publication details: Aleppo, Syria : The Center, 1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: ORG S612.I23 NO.136.
World crops : cool season food legumes : a global perspective of the problems and prospects for crop improvement in pea, lentil, faba bean, and chickpea : proceedings of the International Food Legume Research Conference on Pea, Lentil, Faba Bean, and Chickpea, held at the Sheraton Hotel, Spokane, Washington, USA, 6-11 July 1986 / edited by R.J. Summerfield. by Series: Current plant science and biotechnology in agriculture ; 5
Publication details: Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: SB177.L45 I58 1986.
Legumes for Mediterranean forage crops, pastures and alternative uses : proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Mediterranean Sub-Network of the FAO-CIHEAM Inter-Regional Cooperative Research and Development Network on Pastures and Fodder Crops, organized by FAO, CIHEAM, Dipartmento Scienze Agronomiche e Genetica Vegetale Agraria UniversitaÌ€ degli Studi di Sassari and CNR-Centro di Studio sui Pascoli Mediterranei, Sassari (Italy), 4-9 April 2000 / scientific editor, L. Sulas = LegÌumineuses pour cultures fourrageÌ€res, paÌ‚turages et autres usages en reÌgion meÌditerraneÌenne : actes de la 10e reÌunion du Sous-ReÌseau MeÌditerraneÌen du ReÌseau CoopeÌratif InterreÌgional FAO-CIHEAM de Recherche et DeÌveloppement sur les PaÌ‚turages et les Cultures FourrageÌ€res, organiseÌe par FAO, CIHEAM, Dipartminento Scienze Agronomiche e Genetica Vegetale Agraria UniversitaÌ€ degli Studi di Sassari et CNR-Centro di Studio sui Pascoli Mediterranei, Sassari (Italie), 4-9 avril 2000 / eÌditeur scientifique, L. Sulas. by Series: Cahiers Options meÌditerraneÌnnes ; 45Language: English Summary language: French
Publication details: Zaragoza (Espagne) : CIHEAM, Institut agronomique mediterraneen de Zaragoza, 2000
Other title:
- Legumineusess pour cultures fourrageres, paturages et autres usages en region mediterraneenne.
- Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the mediterranean sub-network of the FAO-CIHEAM inter-regional cooperative research and development network on pastures and fodder crops
- Actes de la 10e reunion du sous-reseau meÌditerraneen du reseau coopeÌratif interregional FAO-CIHEAM de recherche et developpement sur les paÌ‚turages et les cultures fourrageres
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: SB317.L43 L34 2000.