Your search returned 148 results.

Effect of some cultural treatments on yield and fiber properties in Egyptian cotton. [microform] / Fawzy Mohamed Ahmed Ghaly . by
Publication details: 1981
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Al Azhar University, 1981.
Other title:
  • تأثير بعض المعملات الزراعية علي صفات المحصول و الجودة في القطن المصري.‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪
Availability: Not available: Main: Withdrawn (1).

Physiological and biochemical effct on cotton plant as a result of spraying with some insecticides fungicides and herbicides [microform] / Mohamed said Ismail. by
Publication details: 1982
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D ) -- Zagazig University, 1982.
Other title:
  • التأثيرات الفسيولوجية والبيوكيميائية علي نبات القطن الناتجة من الرش بعض المبيدات الحشرية و الفطرية العشبية.‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪
Availability: Not available: Main: Damaged (1).

New approach for the control of certain cotton pests using soil insecticides [microform] / Salwa Mohamed Dogheim. by
Publication details: 1982
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Monofia University, 1982.
Other title:
  • إتجاه حديث لمقاومة بعض أفات القطن باستعمال مبيدات التربة‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪
Availability: Not available: Main: Damaged (1).

Rate of development of resistance in the Egyptian cotton leafworm aganist insecticides [microform] / Galal El-Dein Noshy El-Sayed. by
Publication details: 1973
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Cairo University, 1973.
Other title:
  • معدل تطور مقاومة دودة ورق القطن للمبيدات.
Availability: Not available: Main: Withdrawn (1).

Chemical control of cotton bollworms influence of some organotin and organophosporus compounds on cotton bollworms and cotton plant [microform]/ Fikry Amin Khalil. by
Publication details: 1980
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Tanta University, 1980.
Other title:
  • المكافحة الكيماوية لديدان اللوز بنوعيها التى تصيب نبات القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-5541.

Effect of certain insecticides on American bollworm [microform] : acetyl cholinesterase inhibition in relation to toxicity of some phosphorothiolate insecticides to heliothis armigera / Ibrahim Galal Mohamed Gamal. by
Publication details: 1978
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.) -- Alexandria University, 1978
Other title:
  • تأثير بعض المبيدات على دودة القطن الامريكية : العلاقة بين السمية و التأثير المثبط لنشاط محلل الاسيتايل كولين لبعض المبيدات الفسفوثيولية.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-2824.

Effect of treatment with some growth regulators on the activity of some metabolizing enzymes in resistant Spodoptera littoralis(Boisd.) to insecticides [microform] / Abd El Hamed Moustafa Allam . by
Publication details: 1990
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Al Azhar University, 1990.
Other title:
  • تأثير المعاملة ببعض منظمات النمو علي نشاط بعض انزيمات التحول السلالة المقاومة للمبيدات في دودة ورق القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-6465.

Toxicological studies on cotton leafworm synergism of some insecticides against cotton leafworm [microform]/ by Awwad Shaban Daoud. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1977
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)-- Alexandria University, 1977.
Other title:
  • دراسات توكسيكولوجية على دودة ورق القطن تنشيط بعض المبيدات الحشرية ضد دودة ورق القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-42.

Efficiency of certain insecticides antifeedants mixtures on cotton leafworm [microform]/ by Abd El-Samie Abd El-Magied Aly Korkor. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1978
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Ain Shams University, 1978.
Other title:
  • كفاءة مخاليط بعض المبيدات الحشرية و المواد المانعة للتغذية على دودة ورق القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (2)Call number: THESIS S-48, ...

Effect of sub-lethal doses of certain insecticides on the cotton leafworm, Prodenia Litura F. [microform]/ Galal El-Deen Noshy El-Sayed. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1968
Dissertation note: Thesis(M.S.)-- Cairo University, 1968
Other title:
  • تأثير الجرعات تحت المميتة لبعض المبيدات على يرقات دودة ورق القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-1117.

Effect of some insecticides on the metabolic products in cotton plants [microform]/ by Kokab Youssef Abd El-Hamid Amar. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1979
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Zagazig Universty, 1979.
Other title:
  • دراسة تأثير بعض المبيدات الحشرية على نواتج التمثيل الغذائي في نبات القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-367.

Studies on the effect of some granular insecticides on the population of the cotton leafworm and bollworm [microform] / by Mohamed Abd El-Hady El-Hamaky. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1979
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Ain Shams Universty, 1979.
Other title:
  • دراسة تأثير فاعلية بعض المبيدات الحشرية على هيئة مجبات على خفض التعداد الحشرى لدودة ورق القطن وديدان اللوز.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-715.

Effect of some additives compounds on the certain insecticides [microform] / by Sayeda Mostafa Mohamed Tantawy. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1980
Dissertation note: Thesis(M.S.)-- Ain Shams University, 1980.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-862.

Chemical control of economic pests in vivo and in vitro inhibition of cotton leafworm larval acetylcholinesterase in relation to the toxicity of some organophosphorothioate insecticides [microform] / by El-Sayed Abdel Aal El-Feel. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1978
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Alexandria University, 1978.
Other title:
  • مكافحة الافات الأقتصادية بالمواد الكيماوية.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-542.

Toxicological studies on cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (BOISD.) [microform] / Abd EL-Hameed Moustafa Mahmoud Allam. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1983
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Zagazig University, 1983.
Other title:
  • دراسات توكسيكولوجية على دودة ورق القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-978.

Effect of some insecticides on genetical structure of cotton leafworm population in Alexandria district [microform]/ by Fatma Mohamed El-Sheikh. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1976
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Alexandria University, 1976.
Other title:
  • تأثير بعض المبيدات الحشرية على التركيب الوراثي لمجتمع دودة القطن بمنطقة الاسكندرية.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-930.

Adjuvants for incrbasing the bioactivity of insecticides against the cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis [microform] / Mohamed Darwish Mohamed. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 1987
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)-- Cairo University, 1987.
Other title:
  • زيادة سمية المبيدات المستخدمة ضد دودة ورق القطن باستخدام أنواع من الأضافات.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-1601.

The Effect of certain insecticides on insect pest reared on different host plants [microform] / Abd-Aliah Ibrahim Ahmed Shahin. by
Publication details: 1977
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S)--AL-Azhar University, 1977.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-2581.

The Effect of sublethal doses of some insecticides on the fecundity of cotton leafrworm moths, Spodoptera littoralis. (BOISD.) [microform] / Mohamed Hussein El-Labany. by
Publication details: 1972
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S)--Ain Shams University, 1972.
Other title:
  • تأثير الجرعات غير المميتة لبعض المبيدات الحشرية على خصوبة فراشات دودة ورق القطن.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-3022.

Effect of some auxillary substances on the toxicity of some synthetic pyrethroids [microform] / Mohsen Mohamed Mohamed Aly. by
Publication details: 1988
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Ain Shams University, 1988.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-3821.


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