Your search returned 5 results.

Studies on processing and preservation of mango and tomato powders = دراسات علي تصنيع وحفظ مساحيق المانجو والطماطم [microform] / Ashraf Ibrahim Nagib Attia. by
Publication details: 2000
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D. )--Cairo University, 2000.+PDF
Other title:
  • دراسات علي تصنيع وحفظ مساحيق المانجو والطماطم
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-2951.

Effect of some pre-storage treatments on storability and chilling sensitivity of tomato fruits [microform]/ Heba Mohamed Abdel Monem Khater. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 2005
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.)--Ain shams University, 2005.
Other title:
  • تأثير بعض معاملات ما قبل التخزين على القدرة التخزينية و الحساسية للتخزين المبرد لثمار الطماطم.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-9178.

Some Quality Attributes of Some Tomato Concentrate Brands Produced In Egypt and Yemen [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • بعض عوامل الجودة لبعض مركزات الطماطم المنتجة فى مصر واليمن.
In: Agricultural Research Journal, Suez Canal University 2010 v.10(2)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Effect of onion solid wastes extract on antioxidant and antimicrobial properties in tomato paste during storage [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير مستخلص المخلفات الصلبة للبصل على الخصائص المضادة للأكسدة والمضادة للميكروبات في عجينة الطماطم خلال التخزين.
In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development 2013.v.33(4)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Studies on osmatic dehydration of tomato slices [electronic resource] / Wesam Mohamed Abdalla by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 2020
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.) --Zagazig University, 2020.
Other title:
  • دراسات على التجفيف الأسموزى لشرائح الطماطم
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: CD-6424.


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