Surveillance of helicobacter species in milk and some milk products in Assiut governorate [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.84-99Other title:- مدى تواجد ميكروب الهيلكوباكتر في اللبن و بعض منتجاته في محافظة أسيوط. [Added title page title]
- Assiut veterinary medical journal, 2004 v. 50 (100) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
One hundred and twenty five random samples of milk and some milk products including raw marketable milk, raw sheep milk, street vendors ice cream, Kareish cheese and cooking butter (25 each), were collected from dairy shops, groceries, street vendors and farmers houses in Assiut Governorate. These samples were examined for prevalence of Helicobacter species using two selective media: H. Pylori Special Peptone Agar (HPSP A) and Columbia blood base agar and typing of the obtained isolates by plasmid profile, as well as antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the isolated strains. The obtained results indicated that Helicobacter species was isolated from raw marketable milk, kareish cheese and cooking butter samples in percentages of 4, 16 and 20%, respectively. Most of the isolated strains 8 (6.4%) were recovered on Columbia agar while, only 2 (1.6%) were isolated on HPSPA. However, these organisms failed to be detected in raw sheep milk and ice cream samples. Concerning Helicobacter pylori, it has been isolated from only one (4%) sample of both kareish cheese (on Columbia agar) and cooking butter (on HPSPA). In addition, other Helicobacter species were recovered from the examined samples as H. felis, H. fennelliae and H. cinaedi. Whereas, 3 (12%) of kareish cheese and 2 (8%) of cooking butter contained H. felis. 2 (8%) of cooking butter contained H. fennelliae, while one (4%) of raw marketable milk samples contained H. cinaedi. Concerning plasmid profile, 5 strains out of 7 strains tested were found to carry plasmid of high molecular weight, these isolates showed resistance against some antimicrobial agents used for antimicrobial sensitivity pattern. The public health hazard of Helicobacter species and the sanitary measures for improving milk and milk products quality were recommended. Key words: Surveillance, Helicobacter species, Milk, Milk products, Plasmid profile, Antibiotic sensitivity.
Summary in Arabic.
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