Your search returned 5 results.

Prevalence and molecular characterization of aeromonas species isolated from manzala lake fish [electronic resource] / Al-Shaimaa Tawfik Hanafy Mahmoud Maklad by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 2019
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Suez Canal University, 2019.
Other title:
  • الانتشار والتوصيف الجزيئي لأنواع الأيروموناس المعزولة من أسماك بحيرة المنزلة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: CD-5837.

Effect of adding sodium nitrate without or with some feed additives in growing rabbit diets on [electronic resource]: 1. growth performance and economic efficiency by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تاثير إضافة نترات الصوديوم بدون او مع إضافات علفية فى علائق الأرانب النامية على الاداء الانتاجى والكفاءة الاقتصادية
In: Mansoura University Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 2020.v.11(9)
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: ART MUJAPP V11 No9 6.

Effect of adding sodium nitrate without or with some feed additives in growing rabbit diets on [electronic resource]: 2. nutrients digestibility, some caecum fermentation and some blood constituents by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تاثير إضافة نترات الصوديوم بدون او مع إضافات علفية فى علائق الأرانب النامية على معاملات الهضم وبعض تخمرات الأعور وبعض مكونات الدم
In: Mansoura University Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 2020.v.11(9)
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: ART MUJAPP V11 No9 7.

Effect of probiotic supplementation on nutrients digestibility and intestinal histomorphology of growing rabbits [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير إضافة البروبيوتيك على معاملات الهضم والتركيب الهستولوجى للامعاء الدقيقة فى الأرانب النامية
In: Mansoura University Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 2023.v.14(9)
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: ART MUJAPP V14 No9 3.

Effect of citric acid supplementation on nutrients digestibility, nutritive values and intestinal histomorphology of growing rabbits [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير إضافة حمض الستريك على معاملات الهضم والتركيب الهستولوجى للامعاء الدقيقة فى الارانب النامية
In: Mansoura University Journal of Animal and Poultry Production 2023.v.14(9)
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: ART MUJAPP V14 No9 4.


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