Preference of pathogenic bacterial associated infertility in sheep with special reference to Campylobacter foetus and its sensitivity to some antimicrobial agents [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.404-423Other title:- مدى تواجد البكتريا الممرضة المصاحبة للعقم فى الاغنام مع الاشارة الخاصة لميكروب كمبيلوبكتر فيتس وحساسيته لبعض المضادات الحيوية المختلفة [Added title page title]
- Assiut veterinary medical journal, 2008 v. 54 (119) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
A total of 160 ewes were examined in present study having a history of infertility (55 abortions, and 105 repeat breeders). Samples for bacteriological examination including vaginal swabs, faetal fluid, liver and stomach content of aborted faeti, placenta and blood. All the isolates encountered in this investigation following use of culture on selective media, biochemical reaction and serological tests. A total of 16 (10%) isolates identified as being campylobacter spp. were recovered, of which 12 isolates from abortion cases with incidence of (21.8%) and 4 isolates from repeat breeder with incidence of (3.8%). Moreover 12 isolates out of the 16 isolates were identified as C. fetus subsp fetus with incidence of (7.5%) and 4 isolates as C. jejuni with incidence of (2.5%).
Summary in Arabic.
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