Advanced studies on diagnosis of single M. gallisepticum infection and combined with E. coli in chickens [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.124-136Other title:- دراسات متقدمة على تشخيص العدوى الأحادية بالميكو بلازما جاليسيبتكم والمقترنة بالميكروب القولونى فى الدواجن. [Added title page title]
- Zagazig veterinary journal, 2011 v. 39 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is a persistent, highly transmissible chicken pathogen. It predisposes the birds to other infections such as Escherichia coli yielding significant losses in performance and associated economics to all sectors of the poultry industry. This study aims to evaluate the role of MG and E. coli virulence genes in occurrence of respiratory diseases in chickensusing advanced techniques. It was noted that MG and/or E. coli were accused of CRD in naturally infected chickens. PPLO medium, Digitonin test and biochemical reactions were used for characterization of Mycoplasma while E. coli was identified through isolation on MacConkey's and EMB agar media, biochemical tests and rapid API 20E. Serotyping of E. coli isolates showed that 078 was the most predominant serotype (33.33%) followed by 027 (22.22%), other serotypes as 086a, 0115, 029, 0125 and 0146 were also included. Conventional PCR on MG isolates showed the presence of 16S rRNA and mgc2 genes with characteristic bands at 330 and 824 bp, respectively.
Summary in Arabic.
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