Effect of water discharge and seedbed type on soybean crop and some irrigation efficiencies under furrow irrigation system [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.9-26Other title:
  • تأثير معدلات تصرف المياه وطريقة تمهيد مرقد البذرة على محصول فول الصويا وبعض كفاءات الري تحت نظام ري الخطوط [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Journal of the advances in agricultural researches, 2008 v. 13 (1) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches 2008.v.13(1)Summary: The effect of water discharge and seedbed type on soybean crop and some irrigation efficiencies under furrow irrigation system was investigated. Field experiments were carried out during the summer of season 2006 in the farm of Rice Mechanization Center, "Meet El-Deepa, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorat". Surface irrigation system with three different water discharges of 1.252, 2.511 and 3.445 l/s were examined using three different spile pipe diameters. Meanwhile, the seedbed types were T1 (chisel plow one pass followed by disk harrow two passes), T2 (chisel plow two passes followed by disk harrow one pass) and T3 (chisel plow three passes followed by disk harrow one pass). The results showed that advance and recession times along the furrows were affected by water discharge and seedbed type. The initial water infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration were decreased with increasing water discharge when preparing soil with seedbed types (T1), (T2) and (T3). The cumulative infiltration was 55.4 mm, 52.7 mm and 49.5 mm for water discharges of 1.252 l/s, 2.511 l/s and 3.445 l/s, respectively, when preparing soil with seedbed type (T1). The highest soybean grain yield of 1.57 t/fed was obtained for combination of 3.445 l/s water discharge and seedbed type (T3). Water use efficiency increased from 0.466 to 0.635 kg/m3 and water application efficiency increased from 69.1 to 81.1% as water discharge increased from 1.252 to 3.445 l/s when the soil was prepared with seedbed type (T3). The average values of plant height, No. of pods per plant, pod length and thousand grain weight were increased with increasing water discharge from 1.252 to 3.445 l/s when the soil was prepared with seedbed type (T3). The results of this study could be help in planning, design and management of surface irrigation schemes.
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The effect of water discharge and seedbed type on soybean crop and some irrigation efficiencies under furrow irrigation system was investigated. Field experiments were carried out during the summer of season 2006 in the farm of Rice Mechanization Center, "Meet El-Deepa, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorat". Surface irrigation system with three different water discharges of 1.252, 2.511 and 3.445 l/s were examined using three different spile pipe diameters. Meanwhile, the seedbed types were T1 (chisel plow one pass followed by disk harrow two passes), T2 (chisel plow two passes followed by disk harrow one pass) and T3 (chisel plow three passes followed by disk harrow one pass). The results showed that advance and recession times along the furrows were affected by water discharge and seedbed type. The initial water infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration were decreased with increasing water discharge when preparing soil with seedbed types (T1), (T2) and (T3). The cumulative infiltration was 55.4 mm, 52.7 mm and 49.5 mm for water discharges of 1.252 l/s, 2.511 l/s and 3.445 l/s, respectively, when preparing soil with seedbed type (T1). The highest soybean grain yield of 1.57 t/fed was obtained for combination of 3.445 l/s water discharge and seedbed type (T3). Water use efficiency increased from 0.466 to 0.635 kg/m3 and water application efficiency increased from 69.1 to 81.1% as water discharge increased from 1.252 to 3.445 l/s when the soil was prepared with seedbed type (T3). The average values of plant height, No. of pods per plant, pod length and thousand grain weight were increased with increasing water discharge from 1.252 to 3.445 l/s when the soil was prepared with seedbed type (T3). The results of this study could be help in planning, design and management of surface irrigation schemes.

Summary in Arabic.


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