Effect of onion and garlic volatile oils on some immunological parameters in rats treated with aflatoxin B1-carbon tetrachloride [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.463-472Other title:
  • تأثير الزيوت الطيارة للثوم و البصل على بعض القياسات المناعية في الفئران المعاملة بالافلاتوكسين-ب1 ورابع كلوريد الكربون [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2008 v. 3 (2) Part III [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences 2008.v.3(2)IIISummary: The effect of non or 'Y irradiated onion and garlic volatile oils on male albino rats suffered from AFB-1+ CCI4; could be summarized as follows: 1-All immunological parameters i.e. chemotactic movement, MIF and Ig responded negatively in rats suffered from these carcinogens; as the former parameters increased, whilst MIF values were less than normal level. On the other hand Ig increased significantly specially during the period of AFB1 application (first four weeks) than CCI4 did. 2- Pre or post treating with most onion and garlic oils, had limited effect on relieving the deleterious impact of AFB1 + CC4 as chemotactic movement and Ig still higher than their normal levels, on the other hand MIF still less than these of control rats after the experiment course for 16 weeks. 3- As general trend; pre-treating rats 'with either onion or garlic oils resulted in strong chemotactk movement compared with control or post-treatments i.e. both onion and g:adic volatile oils may exert such chemoprotective effect
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The effect of non or 'Y irradiated onion and garlic volatile oils on male albino rats suffered from AFB-1+ CCI4; could be summarized as follows: 1-All immunological parameters i.e. chemotactic movement, MIF and Ig responded negatively in rats suffered from these carcinogens; as the former parameters increased, whilst MIF values were less than normal level. On the other hand Ig increased significantly specially during the period of AFB1 application (first four weeks) than CCI4 did. 2- Pre or post treating with most onion and garlic oils, had limited effect on relieving the deleterious impact of AFB1 + CC4 as chemotactic movement and Ig still higher than their normal levels, on the other hand MIF still less than these of control rats after the experiment course for 16 weeks. 3- As general trend; pre-treating rats 'with either onion or garlic oils resulted in strong chemotactk movement compared with control or post-treatments i.e. both onion and g:adic volatile oils may exert such chemoprotective effect

Summary in Arabic.


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