Interaction of trichoderma spp with rhizoctonia solani during pathogenesis to faba bean roots and the effect on the intrinsic plant resistance by
Edition: Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride were used to study their effect against faba bean root rot disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Application of the antagonists as seed treatment, significantly decreaced pre and post-emergence damping-off, compared with untreated control, especially for T. harzianum (isolate no 2). Culture filtrates of the three Trichoderma isolates showed considerable reduction in polygalacturonase activity (PG) of R. solani during examination periods. Seed treatment with the three tested isolates of Trichoderma spp also resulted in appreciable reduction in (PG) activity in infected faba bean roots compared with untreated infected control, that showed a gradual increase in (PG) activity during examination period. The decrease in polygalacturonase activity was found to be associated with noticeable increase in total terpenes content (Phytoalexine) and greater increase in peroxidase activity in faba bean roots of pre-treated seed with Trichoderma spp. Furthermore these increases were much higher and recorded many folds in the pretreated infected plants compared with untreated infected control. Additional to the improved resistance in plant application the treatment was associated with significant increase in fresh and dry weight of plants as well as the number of nodules per plant, in both healthy and infected plants compared with untreated ones.
Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title: - تفاعل انواع مختلفة من الفطر نريكوديرما مع الفطر ريزوكتونيا سولاني خلال اصابته لجذور الفول البلدي وتأثيره علي المقاومة المصاحبة للنبات.
Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, 2009 v. 4 (2)Part (2)
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