The protective role of vitamin E and selenium against the harmful effects of diniconazole fungicide in male albino rats [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.521-539Other title:- الدور الوقائي لفيتامين هـ و السيلينيوم ضد التأثيرات الضارة لمبيد الدينيكونازول الفطري في ذكور الجرذان البيضاء [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2006 v. 1 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The present study conducted to evaluate the toxic effects of dinconazole fungicide at 22 mg/kg B.W (1/10 of oral LD50 in male albino rats) and the protective role of vitamin E and selenium (Se) as antioxidants against the adverse effects of tested fungicide. Dinconazole treatments produced erythropenia, leucopenia and nephrotoxicity in addition to hepatotoxicity associated with a marked elevation in alanine aminotransferase (AL T) activity and the rate of lipid peroxidation in hepatic tissues of dinconazole- treated rats. Hypercholesterolemia accompanied by hypotriglycerdemia and a reduction in high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) as well as hypothyroidism were also noted in dinconazole- treated rats. Oral administration of vitamin E or selenium (Se) pre-treated with dinconazole resulted in a reduction of hematotoxicity and hepatotoxicity and hepatic MDA production, which is the index of lipid peroxidation. Also, all significant changes seem in lipidogram parameters disappeared and their values resumed to control level except for creatinine level and Thyroid hormones (T4 & T3) which did not influenced by antioxidant supply did not influence by antioxidants supply. Key words: Vitamin E - Selenium - Diniconazole - Fungicide.
Summary in Arabic.
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