Influence of rhizobial inoculation and nitrogen, phosphorus bio-chemical fertilization regimes on growth and nodulation of two faba bean cultivars [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.651-675Other title:- تأثير التلقيح بالريزوبيا ونظم سمادية بيوكيمائية للنتروجين والفوسفور على النمو والعقد الجذرية لصنفين من الفول البلدى [Added title page title]
- Zagazig journal of agricultural research, 2003 v. 30 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The present investigation was conducted during two winter successive seasons, 1997/98 and 1998/99, to study the influence of rhizobium inoculation as well as nitrogen - phosphorus bio-chemical fertilization regimes on growth and nodulation of two faba bean cultivars (Giza-3 and Giza-714). Faba bean cultivar Giza-3 surpassed Giza-714 in leaf area (Dm2/plant) at the four sampling dates in both seasons; total dry weight (g/plant) at 75 days after sowing (DAS) in the second season; total number of nodules/plant at all growth stages in both seasons, with the exception of 45 and 60 DAS at first and second seasons,. respectively; and dry weight of nodules (mg/plant) at 75 DAS in the second season.
Summary in Arabic.
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