Sprinkler and trickle irrigations affected by climatic conditions in upper Egypt [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.346-361Other title:
  • تأثر الري بالرش وبالتنقيط بعوامل مناخية في مصر العليا [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2006 v.23 (2) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering 2006.v.23(2)Summary: A field experiment was carried out in order to study the effect of climatic conditions (temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) on the performance of modern irrigation systems (fixed sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems) under open field conditions in sandy loam soil at Dandar center-Qina Governorate during 2003-2004. The objective of this work is to study the effect of climatic conditions (temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) on the flow rate and to calculate the flow rate variation, emission uniformity (EU), coefficient of uniformity (CU), distribution uniformity (DU), production yield and water use efficiency for sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems. The water was used as irrigation source having EC 1.32 mmhos/cm. The results indicated that: 1-The emission uniformity (EU) under trickle irrigation system decreased in the beginning of season (temperature, 41C°- wind speed, 4.2km/h and relative humidity, 68%) with all treatments by a ratio (from 6.74% to 9.25%) compared with end of season (temperature, 32C°- wind speed, 7.5 km/h and relative humidity, 88%). 2- Water use efficiency (W.U.E) under trickle irrigation system increased with the operation age of lateral line 2 years (with daily irrigation in the morning) (8.72kg/m³) than that of the operation ages of lateral line 4.5 years (with daily twice irrigation in the morning and in the night, once daily irrigation in the morning and every two days in the morning) which were 7.6kg/m3, 7.0kg/m³ and 6.25kg/m3 respectively. 3-The coefficient uniformity (CU) under sprinkler irrigation system was higher with all testaments by a ratio 72.81% in the beginning of season (temperature 26C°-relative humidity 97%-wind speed 4.0 km/h) than the middle of season (temperature 22C°-relative humidity 68%-wind speed 9.4 km/h) which was 66.84% and the end of season (temperature 36C°-relative humidity 49%-wind speed 6.5 km/h) which was 65.4%. 4-The distribution uniformity (DU) under sprinkler irrigation system was higher with all testaments by a ratio 64.03% in the beginning of season (temperature 26C°-relative humidity 97%-wind speed 4.0 km/h) than the middle of season (temperature 22C°-relative humidity 68%-wind speed 9.4 km/h) which Assistant Research Agric. Eng. Res. Inst. A. R. C. Egypt. was 57.79% and the end of season (temperature 36C°-relative humidity 49%-wind speed 6.5 km/h) which was 55%. 5-Water use efficiency (W.U.E) under sprinkler irrigation system increased with the irrigation interval twice daily in the morning and night (0.78kg/m³) than once daily irrigation in the morning and once every two days in the morning which was 0.71kg/m3 and 0.66kg/m3 respectively.
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A field experiment was carried out in order to study the effect of climatic conditions (temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) on the performance of modern irrigation systems (fixed sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems) under open field conditions in sandy loam soil at Dandar center-Qina Governorate during 2003-2004. The objective of this work is to study the effect of climatic conditions (temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) on the flow rate and to calculate the flow rate variation, emission uniformity (EU), coefficient of uniformity (CU), distribution uniformity (DU), production yield and water use efficiency for sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems. The water was used as irrigation source having EC 1.32 mmhos/cm. The results indicated that: 1-The emission uniformity (EU) under trickle irrigation system decreased in the beginning of season (temperature, 41C°- wind speed, 4.2km/h and relative humidity, 68%) with all treatments by a ratio (from 6.74% to 9.25%) compared with end of season (temperature, 32C°- wind speed, 7.5 km/h and relative humidity, 88%). 2- Water use efficiency (W.U.E) under trickle irrigation system increased with the operation age of lateral line 2 years (with daily irrigation in the morning) (8.72kg/m³) than that of the operation ages of lateral line 4.5 years (with daily twice irrigation in the morning and in the night, once daily irrigation in the morning and every two days in the morning) which were 7.6kg/m3, 7.0kg/m³ and 6.25kg/m3 respectively. 3-The coefficient uniformity (CU) under sprinkler irrigation system was higher with all testaments by a ratio 72.81% in the beginning of season (temperature 26C°-relative humidity 97%-wind speed 4.0 km/h) than the middle of season (temperature 22C°-relative humidity 68%-wind speed 9.4 km/h) which was 66.84% and the end of season (temperature 36C°-relative humidity 49%-wind speed 6.5 km/h) which was 65.4%. 4-The distribution uniformity (DU) under sprinkler irrigation system was higher with all testaments by a ratio 64.03% in the beginning of season (temperature 26C°-relative humidity 97%-wind speed 4.0 km/h) than the middle of season (temperature 22C°-relative humidity 68%-wind speed 9.4 km/h) which Assistant Research Agric. Eng. Res. Inst. A. R. C. Egypt. was 57.79% and the end of season (temperature 36C°-relative humidity 49%-wind speed 6.5 km/h) which was 55%. 5-Water use efficiency (W.U.E) under sprinkler irrigation system increased with the irrigation interval twice daily in the morning and night (0.78kg/m³) than once daily irrigation in the morning and once every two days in the morning which was 0.71kg/m3 and 0.66kg/m3 respectively.

Summary in Arabic.


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