Evaluation of some new soybean (Glycinemaxl) genotypes [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.85-96Other title:
  • تقييم بعض التراكيب الوراثيه الجديده فى فول الصويا [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Alexandria journal of agricultural research, 2008 v. 53 (2) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Alexandria journal of agricultural research 2008 v. 53 (2)Summary: During gennination of soybean seeds and its initial establishment in the soil, seedlings are extremely subjected to a wide range of seed and soil borne fungi resulting in considerable losses to soybean crop (llyas et a/., 1975; Barakat et al., 1976; PatiJ and Mayee, 1977; Sinclair and Backman, 1989 and Rahhal et al., 20(0). EI-Gantiry (1985) isolated and identified forty-two fungi associated with soybean seeds. Among the isolated fungi, genera of Fusarium. Macrophomina. Sc/erotinia. Rhizoctonia. Vertici//ium and Drechslera were found with different degrees of pathogenicity. In this respect, Abd EI-Baki et al., (2003) reported that damping-off and root rot disease are the most important diseases that affect plant stand causing great losses in soybean yield, total nitrogen and protein contents in soybean seeds.
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During gennination of soybean seeds and its initial establishment in the soil, seedlings are extremely subjected to a wide range of seed and soil borne fungi resulting in considerable losses to soybean crop (llyas et a/., 1975; Barakat et al., 1976; PatiJ and Mayee, 1977; Sinclair and Backman, 1989 and Rahhal et al., 20(0). EI-Gantiry (1985) isolated and identified forty-two fungi associated with soybean seeds. Among the isolated fungi, genera of Fusarium. Macrophomina. Sc/erotinia. Rhizoctonia. Vertici//ium and Drechslera were found with different degrees of pathogenicity. In this respect, Abd EI-Baki et al., (2003) reported that damping-off and root rot disease are the most important diseases that affect plant stand causing great losses in soybean yield, total nitrogen and protein contents in soybean seeds.

Summary in Arabic.


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