Improving the quantity and quality of wheat in salt affected soils [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.2861-2883Other title:
  • تحسين انتاجية و صفات محصول القمح في الاراضي المتأثرة بالاملاح [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Zagazig journal of agricultural research, 2004 v. 31 (6) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research 2004.v.31(1)Summary: In salt affected soil, wheat plants suffer from many problems related to soil salinity and alkalinity which affected the wheat productivity and retard the availability of nutrients in soil and their uptake by plant. The present investigation aimed to raise the productivity of wheat plants grown under the previous condition and investigate the possibility of the partial replacement of N-fertilization along with improving the poor physical, chemical and biological soil characteristics by the application of some soil amendments. Therefore, two field experiments were carried out at Sids Agric. Res. Station, Agric. Res. Center during the two winter seasons 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. The amendments were added at levels of 20 m3/fed., for farmyard manure as well as 1 and 5 ton/fed. for sulphur and gypsum, respectively. N-fertilization was applied at 37.5 and 75 kg N/fed. In addition, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu were added in the EDT A form at rates of 0.3 g/L for Zn, Mn and Fe and 0.15 g/L for Cu. The obtained results clearly showed that: 1- Wheat grain and straw yields as well as their NPK contents and grain protein content significantly responded to the application of soil amendments. In this concern, chemical amendments (sulphur and gypsum) recorded higher values than those attained with the application of farmyard manure. Yet, sulphur gave the highest values for all previous parameters compared with the other amendments. 2-For obtain the highest economic grain and straw yields, it must fertili1;e the soil with the optimum rate of N, i.e. 75 kg N/fed. 3-N-fertilization was the most effective factor compared with the soil amendments and foliar spraying of micronutrients concerning its effect on wheat quantity and quality.
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In salt affected soil, wheat plants suffer from many problems related to soil salinity and alkalinity which affected the wheat productivity and retard the availability of nutrients in soil and their uptake by plant. The present investigation aimed to raise the productivity of wheat plants grown under the previous condition and investigate the possibility of the partial replacement of N-fertilization along with improving the poor physical, chemical and biological soil characteristics by the application of some soil amendments. Therefore, two field experiments were carried out at Sids Agric. Res. Station, Agric. Res. Center during the two winter seasons 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. The amendments were added at levels of 20 m3/fed., for farmyard manure as well as 1 and 5 ton/fed. for sulphur and gypsum, respectively. N-fertilization was applied at 37.5 and 75 kg N/fed. In addition, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu were added in the EDT A form at rates of 0.3 g/L for Zn, Mn and Fe and 0.15 g/L for Cu. The obtained results clearly showed that: 1- Wheat grain and straw yields as well as their NPK contents and grain protein content significantly responded to the application of soil amendments. In this concern, chemical amendments (sulphur and gypsum) recorded higher values than those attained with the application of farmyard manure. Yet, sulphur gave the highest values for all previous parameters compared with the other amendments. 2-For obtain the highest economic grain and straw yields, it must fertili1;e the soil with the optimum rate of N, i.e. 75 kg N/fed. 3-N-fertilization was the most effective factor compared with the soil amendments and foliar spraying of micronutrients concerning its effect on wheat quantity and quality.

Summary in Arabic.


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