Evaluating nitrogen fertilizer sources and scheduling for cotton [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.435-445Other title:
  • تقييم مصادر الاسمده النيتروجينيه وعدد دفعات إضافته على محصول القطن [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Egyptian journal of soil science, 2003 v. 43 (3 [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Egyptian journal of soil science 2003 v .43 (3)Summary: One method of reducing nutrient loss by leaching is scheduling applications of fertilizer with small amounts at frequent intervals. Under field conditions, urea and ammonium nitrate ferlilizers were scheduled into two and three doses with and without organic manure which applied to cotton (Gossypium barabadellse, varity Giza 75) grovm on clay soil (Vertic torriifluvents). Both, available soil nitrogen and N03-N increased due to application of ammonium nitrate fertilizer at two doses. Also, a positive correlation was found between available soil nitrogen and organic manure application. Moreover.
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One method of reducing nutrient loss by leaching is scheduling applications of fertilizer with small amounts at frequent intervals. Under field conditions, urea and ammonium nitrate ferlilizers were scheduled into two and three doses with and without organic manure which applied to cotton (Gossypium barabadellse, varity Giza 75) grovm on clay soil (Vertic torriifluvents). Both, available soil nitrogen and N03-N increased due to application of ammonium nitrate fertilizer at two doses. Also, a positive correlation was found between available soil nitrogen and organic manure application. Moreover.

Summary in Arabic.


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