Your search returned 3 results.

Temperature threshold and thermal requirements for the developoment of rice stem borer, Chilo Agamemnon Bles. ( Lepidoptera: crambidae ) [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • الإحتياجات الحرارية وحد الحرارة الحرج لتطور ثاقبة ساق الأرز.
In: Egyptian journal of agricultural research 2008.v.86 (5)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Comparative study for some biological aspects of the Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) reared on castor bean leaves and artificial diets [electronic resource]. by Language: English
Other title:
  • مقارنة بعض الصفات البيولوجية لدودة ورق القطن المرباه على بيئة صناعية وورق الخروع.
In: Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2009.v.34(4)Part B
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Comparative studies on different honeybee pollen types and their effect on royal jelly production [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • دراسات مقارنه لانواع حبوب اللقاح المختلفة التي يجمعها نحل العسل وتأثيرها علي انتاج الغذاء الملكي.
In: Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2007.v.32(9)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.


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