Assessment of genetic diversity within the genus acacia grown in Egypt and studying its relation to leaf tannin and phenolic contents [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.243-250Other title:- تقييم التنوع الوراثى داخل جنس اكاسيا المنزرع بمصر ودراسة علاقته بمحتوى التانينات والفينولات بالاوراق [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of plant breeding, 2011 v. 15 (2), Special issue [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
Acacia is a large genus contains over 1350 species with parallel large medicinal and economic value. In Egypt ftw species are available. In this study the genetic relation among six species ofAcacia sp. were investigated using 12 RAPD primers, furthermore the possible relationship between genetic markers and leaves tannins and phenols total contents. The results showed high degree of polymorphism among species in all primers. Random Amplification ofPolymorphic DNA data analysis using genetic distance and UPGMA showed close genetic relatedness between each of A. saligna and A. nilotica ,. A. raddiana and A. laeta. The data revealed that JUrthest species was A. alhida which agreed with the unique morphological status in Acacia sp. Total tannins in leaves showed significant dif.ftrences among all species except for A. saligna and A. nilotica.
Summary in Arabic.
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