Evaluation of yield and salt tolerance of two barley cultivars in three locations of different salinity levels [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.705-724Other title:- تقييم المحصول وتحمل الملوحة لصنفين من الشعير في ثلاث مناطق مختلفة في مستوي الملوحة [Added title page title]
- Zagazig journal of agricultural research, 2014 v. 41 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
This study was conducted over two seasons 2011/12 and 2012/13 to evaluate yield and salt tolerance of two barley cultivars cultivated in three locations of different salinity levels. The three locations were at El Qantra Shark and Sahel El Tinna regions which differed in their salinity levels (1.2, 13.2 and 20.5 ds m- 1 ). Two barley cultivars were Giza 125 and 132. Some morphological, physiological and productivity parameters were evaluated at I 05 days after sowing (DAS) and at harvest. Estimation of plant height, flag leaf blade area, total chlorophylls, relative water content, leaf osmotic potential, proline, K+, Na+ contents, number of spikes m-2 , 1000 grain weight and grain yield indicated that Giza 125 cv. was more tolerant to salinity compared to Giza 132 cv. In general, salinity tolerance was contributed with high levels of total chlorophylls, relative water content, leaf osmotic potential, proline and K+ contents. Although Na+ was accumulated to high levels (55mg g- 1DW) in leaves at 105 DAS but it was decreased (150 11g g- 1 DW) in grains at harvest. About 23-29 of protein bands were detected in Giza 125 cv. compared to only 20 bands in Giza 132 cv. Detection of unique bands 67 and 34kDa at the high level of salinity (20.5 ds m- 1 ) in Giza 125 cv. could be used as a molecular marker for selection of salt-tolerant genotypes in barley. However, Giza 132 cv. expressed 9-11 bands ofisoesterases compared to only 7 bands in Giza 125 cv. under salinity stress. On the other hand, 6 isobands ofperoxidases were expressed in Giza 125 cv. compared to only 5 bands in Giza 132 cv. under high salinity conditions. It could be concluded that, unique bands of protein or isoesterases are useful biomarker for selecting salt tolerant genotypes in barley which contributed with high yield potential, as was expressed in more number of spikes m-2 and as well high number of heavier I 000- grain weight and finally in the straw and grain yields/fad.
Summary in Arabic.
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