New approach to in-vitro propagation of babesia bovis in low serum content [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.97-104Other title:- محاولات جديدة لإكثار طفيل البابيزيا بوفيز معملياُ فى أقل كمية سيرم ممكنة [Added title page title]
- Zagazig veterinary journal, 2010 v. 38 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
In-vitro propagation of B. bovis using microaerophilous stationary phase (MASP) were investigated. Medium I 99 (Med199) containing 40% bovine serum showed good propagation of the parasites represented by the percent of infected red blood corpuscles. Reduction in bovine serum content in Medl99 to 20% or less resulted in lower growth of the parasite. LH-l medium containing 20% bovine serum was gradually replaced Medl99 containing 40% serum. After ten serial passages, the parasite was adapted for growth in the LH-l medium with 20% serum. Other successful trials to reduce serum content in the culture to 10% were done.
Summary in Arabic.
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